Member: Bay Area Travel Writers; Society for American Travel Writers
Based in the San Francisco Bay Area, she seek out the world’s best luxury travel destinations, gourmet getaways and authentic travel experiences her readers. Her widely published articles and photographs have won many awards. Her goal is to bring home a deeper sense and appreciation of the world and times we live in – How have your travels enriched your life?
As editor of Epicurean Destinations, she share stories and photos: No matter where the road takes us, culture and cuisine are part of the journey. Each culture plays it part in broadening how we see the world. Each offers pleasure, awareness and shared humanity. Travel with us on Epicurean Destinations as we explore destinations at home and abroad.
As editor of Travel Examiner, she shares travel tales and experiences crafted by twelve professional travel writers.
On Medium.com she covers travel, culture, art & architecture.
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Looking forward to the road and all it teaches us,